
Visual FoxPro 9 позволяет создавать ещё более производительные приложения баз данных.
Двадцатиление FoxPro! Microsoft принимает поздравления.
Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET - более 225 функций VFP 7.0, для языков .NET (подробнее)

Параметры сообщений об ошибках

Используя команду SYS(2018) вы можете получить файл, поле или
переменную в качестве параметра сообщений об ошибках,
приведенных ниже. Сообщения об ошибках с необязательными параметрами собщений
об ошибках иногда могут не возвращать параметр при использовании команды

"<cursor>" must be created with SELECT ... INTO TABLE. (1815)

"<field> | <variable>" is not unique and must be qualified. (1832)

"<field>" is not related to the current work area. (1165)

"<file>" is not a Visual FoxPro .EXE file. (1196)

"<file>" is not an object file. (1309)

"<name>" band is too large to fit on page. (1298)

"<name>" can only be used within a method. (1929)

"<name>" cannot be closed while suspended. (1932)

"<name>" internal consistency error. (1462)

"<name>" is a method, event, or object. (1737)

"<name>" is a read-only property. (1740)

"<name>" is not a file variable. (226)

"<name>" is not a memory variable. (225)

"<name>" is not an object. (1924)

"<name>" objects cannot return a value. (1983)

"<name>". (1429)

A subdirectory or file "<name>" already exists. (1961)

Application file "<file>" is not closed. (1178)

Array "<name>" is in use. (1972)

Cannot add "<name>". Class definition is cyclical. (1741)

Cannot change property "<name>" in SetAll method. (1758)

Cannot create file "<file>". (102)

Cannot find entry point "<name>" in the DLL. (1754)

Cannot find object "<name>" in the database. (1562)

Cannot find view "<name>" in the current database. (1563)

Cannot load 32-bit DLL "<name>". (1753)

Cannot open file "<file>". (101)

Cannot redefine "<name>". (1930)

Cannot reopen project file "<name>". (1970)

Class "<name>" already exists. (1761)

Class "<name>" has not been registered. (1434)

Class "<name>" is in use. (1776)

Class "<name>" is not found in the class library. (1576)

Class "<name>" is not found. (1762)

Class definition "<name>" is not found. (1733)

Class definition "<name>" is recursive. (1950)

Class file "<name>" is invalid. (1747)

Class file name for "<name>" is not valid. (1746)

Class library file "<name>" is not found. (1993)

Collating sequence "<name>" is not found. (1915)

Compile error in file "<name>". (1981)

Connection "<name>" is busy. (1541)

Connectivity error: "<name>". (1526)

Data session #<number> cannot be released with open transaction(s). (1549)

Data session #<number> was forced to ROLLBACK back all transactions to avoid deadlock. (1599)

Database "<alias>" is not open. (1534)

Database "<name>": File access denied. (1569)

DataType property for field "<name>" is invalid. (1544)

Error adding "<name>" to the object. Duplicate member/property name. (1779)

Error creating table: "<name>". (1973)

Error instatiating cursor object. Table "<alias>" cannot be opened. Object will be ignored. (1554)

Error loading: "<error>". (1881)

Expression is invalid. Use a valid expression for "<name>" property. (1759)

Fatal error <expN> reporting error <expN>.

Field "<name>" does not accept null values. (1581)

Field "<name>" validation rule is violated. (1582)

File "<name>" already exists as part of a database. (1529)

File "<name>" is a database. (1553)

File "<name>" is an invalid database. (1551)

File "<name>" is not a database. (1552)

File "<name>" is not closed. (1933)

File "<name>" is not part of a database. (1558)

File "<name>" is part of a database. (1565)

Form file "<name>" is from a previous version of FoxPro. It must be converted to the current format before it is executed. (1991)

Form file "<name>" is invalid. (1686)

Illegal redefinition of variable "<name>". (1960)

Include file "<name>" is not found. (1994)

Invalid file format. If this is a dBASE file, it must be converted first. To convert it, type MODIFY LABEL <labelfilename>. (1510)

Invalid update column name "<name>". (1479)

Key label "<label>" is invalid. (1255)

Member "<name>" does not evaluate to an object. (1943)

Member "<name>" is a class member. (1760)

Member object "<name>" has not been instantiated. (1975)

No key columns specified for the update table \"<name>"\. Use the \"KeyFieldList\" property of the Cursor object. (1492)

Not enough disk space for "<file name>". (56)

Object "<name>" is not found. (1766)

Object "<name>" is not found. (1923)

Object file "<file>" was compiled in a previous version of FoxPro. (1195)

Object file "<name>" is in use and cannot be removed from memory. (1719)

Object is not contained in a "<name>". (1938)

ODBC entry point missing, "<name>". (1528)

OLE error code 0x"<name>". (1426)

OLE IDispatch exception code "<name>". (1427)

OLE IDispatch exception code %d from "<name>": "<name>". (1428)

Parent object will not allow this property setting for "<name>". (1767)

Popup too big, first <expN> entries shown.

Procedure "<procedure>" is not found. (1162)

Procedure file ["<name>"] is not found. (1937)

Property "<name>" already exists. (1763)

Property "<name>" is not a method or event. (1738)

Property "<name>" is not found. (1734)

Property "<name>" is protected. (1757)

Property "<name>" is read-only. (1743)

Queue "<queue>" is not found. (1716)

Server "<server>" is not found. (1715)

SQL parameter "<name>" is invalid. (1499)

SQL: Column "<field> | <variable>" is not found. (1806)

Table "<alias>" has one or more non-structural indexes open. Please close them and retry the Begin Transaction. (1548)

Table "<name>" already exists in the database. (1564)

Table "<name>" is referenced in a relation. (1577)

Table buffer for alias "<name>" contains uncommitted changes. (1545)

The current object does not inherit from class "<name>". (1935)

The default value for field "<name>" does not evaluate to the correct type for the field. (1997)

The fields in table "<name>" did not match the entries in the database. (1984)

The index expression for index "<name>" contains an invalid reference to a Memo, General, or Picture field. (1998)

The name "<name>" is already used for another object. Please choose a different name. (1571)

The table changes cannot be performed as the index or filter expression for index <name> would be invalid. (1531)

The validation rule for field "<name>" does not evaluate to a logical or NULL type. (1996)

Type conversion required by the DataType property for field "<name>" is invalid. (1543)

Uniqueness of index "<name>" is violated. (1884)

Unknown error code <expN>.

Unknown member "<name>". (1925)

Variable ["<variable>"] is not found. (12)

Warning: Invalid data conversion(s) starting at record "<number>". (1485)

Warning: Invalid memo field conversion(s) starting at record "<number>". (1486)

Warning: The key defined by the KeyField property for table "<alias>" is not unique. (1495)

Warning: The next "<string>" modified records have already been updated remote. (1484)

Window "<name>" has not been defined with DEFINE WINDOW. (214)

Worksheet "<name>" is not found. (1775)

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